I started a journal back in 2005 when I was still in high school.. however at that time I was too worried about making things look nice that I never really let loose and just played freely. I didn't use any paint or other materials, I was just keeping it real simple, when my muse could have done much more! In late 2007 I discovered the amazing SuziBlu and all my preconcieved notions of what a journal was "supposed" to be flew out the window.. I began creating like a mad woman! I was so inspired to just do my own thing and felt that it was meaningful too. That same original, "playing it safe" journal that I started in high school evolved into a colorful, expressive book of my life. I'll never forget my beginning art journal days.. I miss them!
•How has Art Journaling impacted, changed, or enhanced your life?
I feel that discovering my passion for art journaling has really helped me become more in touch with myself and embrace my creativity. My life is so much more rich and meaningful because of it. I really did not have a main hobby that I could turn to before I started journaling. I always enjoyed crafts and anything creative when I was younger but it was never part of my daily life - with art journaling I feel like I have found my niche and am totally in my element! It really was like finding a missing part of myself.
It has opened up a whole new world for me: I disovered my love for mixed media art and I am now doing paintings and learning to draw- things I never thought I'd be doing. I'm also just beginning to teach local mixed media and art journaling classes this summer! I now call myself an artist because of it. :)
•What are a few of your favorite Art Journaling materials?
Acrylic and watercolor paints, ribbon, buttons, tape, portfolio oil pastels (they are great when you add water to them), any collage materials/ephemera, and sakura gel pens - which I need more of! Also some nice tunes to listen to are a must!
•Who are some of your favorite Art Journalers?
Suzi Blu
Friday Eudaemonism (Hannah)
Ruby Claire
•What kind words of encouragement would you say to an Art Journal newbie?
Just have fun with it. Don't get mad at yourself if you dislike a page you created, just think of it as an experience and a process. Even though I've been journaling for awhile I am still often a perfectionist, but I try to ignore it and just be accepting of what I made. Everything you do in your journal is meaningful... seriously! Don't be scared to be YOU and just let loose, why be hard on yourself? Be your own best friend. When I first started I wasn't sure if things I were creating/writing were "worthy" enough, but when I look back on past pages, I like reading things I wrote and seeing pages that are important to my life. Also, don't push yourself to journal if you aren't in the mood. Do it when you feel inspired! Don't feel like you have to have a certain style either.. I think it's more interesting when you can make all different types of pages and try out new things.
•Where can we contact you...give us some link LOVE!!
Right here at My blog :)
•Short Bio.
I am 21 years old and a recent college grad from southern New Hampshire. I have a degree in elementary education and when I eventually start teaching I hope to incorporate art into my classroom in many ways. Right now I am pretty immersed in the art world.. I am planning on trying to sell some of my art and see where that takes me. I come from a pretty creative household- my mom makes jewelry and my sister loves music and plays guitar. Lately my head is always spinning with new projects I want to try! I am currently learning how to draw realistic faces and want to experiment with photography too. Some other things I love are postcrossing, new age/world music, writing, traveling, and dancing (Zumba)!