I decided to be FEARLESS and paint BIG thanks to Connie from http://www.dirtyfootprints-studio.com/ .. she rocks big time. The face is a little big for my liking, haha. Sorry if it scared you there a bit. It was VERY fun to make though!!!

Painted some pretty backgrounds for fun. These could be used for collage, journal pages, and probably many other things. Weeehoooo! I enjoyed doing this because it is relaxing and you don't feel pressure to make it look a certain way. This is a good creative activity to do if you don't want to think too much and just let loose. Well, every creative activity should allow those things.. but you know what I mean. Loose leaf paper = no pressure!
Jessie watched carefully as a I hung up my new beautiful poster... isn't it nice? It's Santa Barbara in California. When I saw it online I thought it was a photograph but it's actually a painting! It's that good. It brightens up the boring slanted wall I had over my desk!
Today was a really fun day, painting BIG was liberating..try it!
I also just made a new art journal video about found poetry-
I made a delicious summer treat too but it won't technically be ready until tomorrow, it's getting yummified in the freezer. Look for it here tomorrow!!
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