Sunday, August 1, 2010

Fabulous find!

I want to share with you this FABULOUS find that I picked up a few days ago at the mall. I actually saw these sandals on a mannequin a little while ago while shopping at Macy's but couldn't find them in the store. The other night I was looking for some sunglasses there and spotted them on sale for $20. I fell in love with them because of the color - I absolutely love teal/turquoise! Just ask anyone who knows me.. I'm a little obsessed. I probably own a billion things in that color. Maybe someday if I am bored I will photograph them all for you, ha ha. Back to the sandals.. the picture makes them look more blue than they really are. But not only are they really gorgeous, they are very comfortable too. So go get these babies at Macy's if you are looking for some nice sandals. They come in three or four other colors as well. I wish I had found these earlier in the summer. I've been wearing these even when I'm just hanging around the house - makes me feel pretty! Who needs a special occasion for that! I challenge you to wear a pretty dress, special makeup, or fancy shoes just for the heck of it and because you deserve it- life is too short to save extravagance for only once in a while. :)

Thank you so much for the all the nice comments on my recent posts.. I love to read them. I wanted to mention that I will always reply to them in the comments section of each post. I appreciate them all very much.. look for my replies there!

Today was nice - although a bit cloudy outside, the air was cool and it was not ninety degrees like it has been for the past month! My mom, sister, and I went downtown to take some photos - I took a bunch for the sketchbook project (I'm hoping it will come in the mail tomorrow!) and she took some of me modeling her jewelry.

Here are a few photos I took for the project:

Beautiful graffiti on the side of Quiznos subs.. who knew?

I decided that for this project I am going to focus on places that I know well. I used to work downtown right near the B&B grill and I am really familiar with the area.. so I'm going to create art based around photos of places that are special to me. I will also include some sketches and writing.. I want to tell stories about these places. I love that all of us artists can support and encourage each other during this project. It is comforting to know that other artists like me are working in their sketchbooks too.. I know I am a part of something really special. We're in this together people!

Jessie getting some sunshine near my window today. :)

Happy August! Have a wonderful, creative week!


Ingrid said...

Ooo, pretty shoes! I think they look even better on your feet than they do in the first photo. I might just head to Macy's in the next few days.. I bought a pair of cheap flip-flops at Old Navy, but they've given me big blisters and hurt every time I wear them. Thanks for the tip!

Yes, we're all in this together! It'd be lovely to have "real life" art friends - but having a huge network of creative, supportive, inspirational people from all over the world is a pretty awesome second. ;)


Marisa said...

Hopefully they still have them on sale! I agree- the great community we have online is the next best thing. :)